序号 | 中文 | 英文 |
1 | 非洲木薯花叶病毒 | African Cassava Mosaic Virus (ACMV) |
2 | 苜蓿花叶病毒 | Alfalfa Mosaic Virus(AMV) |
3 | 六出花花叶病毒 | Alstroemeria Mosaic Virus(AIMV) |
4 | 美洲李子线状病毒 | American Plum Line Pattern Virus (APLPV) |
5 | 安第斯马铃薯潜隐性病毒 | Andean Potato Latent Virus(APLV) |
6 | 苹果褪绿叶斑病毒 | Apple Chlorotic Leaf spot Virus (ACLSV) |
7 | 苹果花叶病毒 | Apple Mosaic Virus(ApMV) |
8 | 南芥菜花叶病毒 | Arabis Mosaic Virus(ArMV) |
9 | 葡萄南芥菜花叶病毒 | Arabis Mosaic Virus in grape(ArMV) |
10 | 芦笋病毒2 | Asparagus Virus2 (AV2) |
11 | 香蕉苞花叶病毒 | Banana Bract Mosaic Virus (BBrMV) |
12 | 香蕉束顶病毒 | Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV) |
13 | 大麦条纹花叶病毒 | Barley stripe Mosaic Virus (BSMV) |
14 | 大麦黄矮病毒-mav | Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus-mav(BYDV-mav) |
15 | 大麦黄矮病毒-pav | Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus-pav(BYDV-pav) |
16 | 大麦黄矮病毒-rpv | Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus-rpv(BYDV-rpv) |
17 | 大麦黄矮病毒sgv | Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus-sgv(BYDV-sgv) |
18 | 菜豆普通花叶病毒 | Bean Common Mosaic Virus (BCMV) |
19 | 菜豆豆荚斑驳病毒 | Bean Pod Mottle Virus (BPMV) |
20 | 菜豆黄色花叶病毒 | Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus (BYMV) |
21 | 甜菜坏死黄脉病毒 | Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus (BNYVV) |
22 | 甜菜西部黄化病毒 | Beet Western Yellows Virus(BWYV) |
23 | 越橘(蓝莓)叶斑病毒 | Blueberry Leaf Mottle Virus (BLMoV) |
24 | 越橘(蓝莓)枯黄病毒 | Blueberry Scorch Virus (BLScV) |
25 | 越橘(蓝莓)急性坏死病毒 | Blueberry Shock Virus (BlShV) |
26 | 越橘(蓝莓)带化病毒 | Blueberry Shoestring Virus (BSSV) |
27 | 雀麦花叶病毒 | Brome Mosaic Virus(BMV) |
28 | 矮牵牛(茄科)花叶病毒 | Calibrachoa Mottle Virus(CbMV) |
29 | 香石竹(康乃馨)蚀环病毒 | Carnation Etched Ring Virus (CERV) |
30 | 香石竹(康乃馨)潜病毒 | Carnation Latent Virus (CLV) |
31 | 香石竹(康乃馨)斑驳病毒 | Carnation Mottle Virus (CarMV) |
32 | 香石竹(康乃馨)坏死斑点病毒 | Carnation Necrotic Fleck Virus(CNFV) |
33 | 香石竹(康乃馨)环斑病毒 | Carnation Ringspot Virus(CRSV) |
34 | 花椰菜花叶病毒 | Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) |
35 | 樱桃卷叶病毒 | Cherry Leaf roll Virus (CLRV) |
36 | 菊花病毒B | Chrysanthemum Virus B (CVB) |
37 | 柑橘衰退病毒 | Citrus Tristeza Virus (CTV) |
38 | 豇豆花叶病毒 | Cowpea Mosaic Virus (CPMV) |
39 | 黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒 | Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus (CGMMV) |
40 | 黄瓜花叶病毒 | Cucumber Mosaic Virus(CMV) |
41 | 黄瓜花叶病毒亚组I | Cucumber Mosaic Virus-Subgroup I(CMV I) |
42 | 黄瓜花叶病毒亚组II | Cucumber Mosaic Virus-Subgroup II(CMV II) |
43 | 兰花花叶病毒 | Cymbidium Mosaic Virus(CymMV) |
44 | 兰花环斑病毒 | Cymbidium Ringspot Virus(CyRSV) |
45 | 芋花叶病毒 | Dasheen Mosaic Virus(DsMV) |
46 | 大蒜普通潜伏性病毒 | Garlic Common Latent Virus (GCLV) |
47 | 葡萄扇叶病毒 | Grapevine Fanleaf Virus (GFLV) |
48 | 葡萄扇叶病毒及葡萄南芥菜病毒 | Grapevine Fanleaf Virus and Arabis Mosaic Virus in Grape (GFLV and ArMV) |
49 | 葡萄斑点病毒 | Grapevine Fleck Virus in Grape(GFKV) |
50 | 葡萄卷叶病毒1 | Grapevine Leaf Roll Virus 1 (GLRV1) |
51 | 葡萄卷叶病毒1 3 | Grapevine Leaf Roll Virus 1 3(GLRV1,3) |
52 | 葡萄卷叶病毒2 | Grapevine Leaf Roll Virus 2(GLRV2) |
53 | 葡萄卷叶病毒3 | Grapevine Leaf Roll Virus 3(GLRV3) |
54 | 葡萄卷叶病毒5 | Grapevine Leaf Roll Virus 5 (GLRV5) |
55 | 葡萄卷叶病毒7 | Grapevine Leaf Roll Virus 7 (GLRV7) |
56 | 葡萄病毒A | Grapevine Virus A(GVA) |
57 | 花生胚芽坏死病毒及西瓜银斑病毒试剂 | Groundnut Bud Necrosis Virus and Watermelon Silver Mottle Virus(GBNV and WSMoV) |
58 | 花生环斑病毒及番茄褪绿斑点病毒 | (GRSV and TCSV) |
59 | 扶桑褪绿环斑病毒 | Hibiscus Chlorotic Ringspot Virus (HCRSV) |
60 | 玉簪病毒X | Hosta Virus X (HVX) |
61 | 风仙坏死斑点病毒 | Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) |
62 | 鸢尾黄色斑点病毒 | Iris Yellow Spot Virus (IYSV) |
63 | 约翰逊草花叶病毒 | Johnsongrass Mosaic Virus (JgMV) |
64 | 落地生根(高粱菜)潜病毒 | Kalanchoe Latent Virus(KLV) |
65 | Kyuri绿斑驳花叶病毒 | Kyuri Green Mottle Mosaic Virus (KGMMV) |
66 | 大葱黄色斑纹病毒 | Leek Yellow Stripe Virus (LYSV) |
67 | 莴苣花叶病毒 | Lettuce Mosaic Virus (LMV) |
68 | 百合无症病毒 | Lily Symptomless Virus (LSV) |
69 | 玉米褪绿斑驳病毒 | Maize Chlorotic Mottle Virus (MCMV) |
70 | 玉米矮花叶病毒 | Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus(MDMV) |
71 | 玉米花叶病毒 | Maize Mosaic Virus (MMV) |
72 | 玉米条纹(玉米褪绿条纹)病毒 | Maize Stripe Virus (MSpV) |
73 | 玉米条纹病毒 | Maize Streak Virus (MSV) |
74 | 玉米白线花叶病毒 | Maize White Line Mosaic Virus (MWLMV) |
75 | 瓜类坏死斑病毒 | Melon Necrotic Spot Virus(MNSV) |
76 | Nandina花叶病毒 | Nandina Mosaic Virus (NaMV) |
77 | 龙面花环疽病毒 | Nemesia ring necrosis virus (NeRNV) |
78 | 齿兰环斑病毒 | Odontoglossum Ringspot Virus (ORSV) |
79 | 洋葱黄矮病毒 | Onion Yellow Dwarf Virus (OYDV) |
80 | 番木瓜花叶病毒 | Papaya Mosaic Virus (PapMV) |
81 | 番木瓜环斑病毒 | Papaya Ringspot Virus (PRSV) |
82 | 豌豆种传花叶病毒 | Pea Seed-Borne Mosaic (PSbMV) |
83 | 桃丛簇花叶病毒 | Peach Rosette Mosaic Virus (PRMV) |
84 | 花生矮化病毒 | Peanut Stunt Virus (PSV) |
85 | 天竺葵花碎病毒 | Pelargonium Flower Break Virus (PFBV) |
86 | 天竺葵曲叶病毒 | Pelargonium Leaf Curl Virus (PLCV) |
87 | 天竺葵环带斑病毒 | Pelargonium Zonate Spot Virus (PZSV) |
88 | PepMV 凤果花叶病毒 | Pepino Mosaic Virus (PepMV) |
89 | 辣椒轻微斑驳病毒 | Pepper Mild Mottle Virus (PMMoV) |
90 | 辣椒斑驳病毒 | Pepper Mottle Virus (PepMoV) |
91 | 洋李痘庖病毒 | Plum Pox Virus Durviz (PPV) |
92 | 猩猩木花叶病毒 | Poinsettia Mosaic Virus(PnMV) |
93 | 马铃薯奥古巴花叶病毒 | Potato Aucuba Mosaic Virus (PAMV) |
94 | 马铃薯潜伏性病毒 | Potato Latent Virus (PotLV) |
95 | 马铃薯卷叶病毒 | Potato Leaf Roll Virus(PLRV) |
96 | 马铃薯A病毒 | Potato Virus A (PVA) |
97 | 马铃薯M病毒 | Potato Virus M (PVM) |
98 | 马铃薯S病毒 | Potato Virus S (PVS) |
99 | 马铃薯T病毒 | Potato Virus T (PVT) |
100 | 马铃薯V病毒 | Potato Virus V (PVV) |
101 | 马铃薯X病毒 | Potato Virus X (PVX) |
102 | 马铃薯Y病毒 | Potato Virus Y(PVY) |
103 | 马铃薯Y病毒坏死株 | Potato Virus Y necrotic strain(PVY-n) |
104 | 马铃薯Y病毒株C | Potato Virus Y strain C(PVY-c) |
105 | 马铃薯Y病毒株O 及C | Potato Virus Y strains O and C (PVY-o+c) |
106 | 马铃薯Y病毒属 | Potyvirus Group (POTY) |
107 | 李矮缩病毒属 | Prune Dwarf Virus (PDV) |
108 | 李属坏死环斑病毒 | Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Virus (PNRSV) |
109 | 悬钩子丛矮病毒 | Raspberry Bushy Dwarf Virus (RBDV) |
110 | 长叶车前草花叶病毒 | Ribgrass Mosaic Virus (RMV) |
111 | 葱潜伏性病毒 | Shallot Latent Virus (SLV) |
112 | 葱黄色斑纹病毒 | Shallot yellow Stripe Virus (SYSV) |
113 | 小麦土传花叶病毒 | Soil-borne Wheat Mosaic Virus (SBWMV) |
114 | 南方菜豆花叶病毒 | Southern Bean Mosaic Virus (SBMV) |
115 | 大豆矮缩病毒 | Soybean Dwarf Virus (SbDV) |
116 | 大豆花叶病毒 | Soybean Mosaic Virus (SMV) |
117 | 南瓜花叶病毒 | Squash Mosaic Virus (SqMV) |
118 | 草莓潜隐环斑病毒 | Strawberry latent Ringspot Virus (SLRSV) |
119 | 草莓轻型黄叶缘关联病毒 | Strawberry Mild Yellow Edge associated Virus (SMYEaV) |
120 | 甘蔗杆状病毒 | Sugarcane Bacilliform Virus (SCBV) |
121 | 甘蔗花叶病毒 | Sugarcane Mosaic Virus (SCMV) |
122 | 番茄斑萎病毒和凤仙坏死斑点病毒 | Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) and Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) |
123 | 烟草蚀纹病毒 | Tobacco Etch Virus (TEV) |
124 | 烟草花叶病毒 | Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) |
125 | 烟草花叶C病毒 | Tobacco Mosaic Virus-c (TMV-c) |
126 | 烟草脆裂病毒 | Tobacco Rattle Virus (TRV) |
127 | 蚕豆萎蔫病毒1,2 | Broad bean wilt virus 1 and 2(BBWV-1.2) |
128 | 烟草环斑病毒 | Tobacco Ringspot Virus (TRSV) |
129 | 烟草条纹病毒 | Tobacco Streak Virus (TSV) |
130 | 烟草脉斑驳病毒 | Tobacco Vein Mottling Virus (TVMV) |
131 | 番茄不孕病毒 | Tomato Aspermy Virus (TAV) |
132 | 番茄黑环病毒 | Tomato Black Ring Virus (TBRV) |
133 | 番茄丛矮病毒 | Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus (TBSV) |
134 | 番茄褪绿斑点病毒及花生环斑病毒 | Tomato Chlorotic Spot Virus(GRSV)and Groundnut RingSpot Virus(TCSV) |
135 | 番茄花叶病毒 | Tomato Mosaic Virus (ToMV) |
136 | 番茄环斑病毒 | Tomato Ringspot Virus (ToRSV) |
137 | 番茄斑萎病毒 | Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) |
138 | 芜菁花叶病毒 | Turnip Mosaic Virus (TuMV) |
139 | 西瓜花叶病毒已被重新命名为番木瓜环斑病毒 | Watermelon Mosaic Virus (WMV) |
140 | 西瓜银斑病毒及花生胚芽坏死病毒 | Watermelon Silver Mottle Virus and Groundnut Bud Necrosis Virus(WSMoV and GBNV) |
141 | 小麦矮缩病毒 | Wheat Dwart Virus(WDV) |
142 | 小麦梭条斑花叶病毒 | Wheat Spindle Streak Mosaic Virus(WSSMV) |
143 | 小麦条纹花叶病毒 | Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus(WSMV) |
144 | 南瓜黄化花叶病毒 | Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus (ZYMV) |